Did you know that unregulated stress can be straight up fatal?
It may sound like an over exaggeration but, in the animal world, stress is recognized as not only impacting fertility and health, but as deadly.
The amazing folks of @bellowingacres sanctuary have been caring for an injured alligator named Dino. Despite the fact that he had major injuries (I believe he was hit by a car), they had to hold off on actually supplying medical help for a few days because the added stress of human interaction would reduce his chances of survival. Let that sink in! (Last I saw, he was doing better btw).
Cows have actually been known to suffer from reduced fertility, low milk production and even death if they have experienced prolonged or increased stress. (yet another reason to support regenerative and halal farmers).
Why is it that we can acknowledge the impact of stress in animals and yet not in ourselves?
I can ask patients all kinds of questions about how they manage their nutrition or exercise but the moment I ask how they manage stress, I more often than not get the “deer in headlights” look.
I don’t have all the answers but here are some ways that your body can improve its stress response:
-Eat regularly and eat enough.
-Avoid fasted workouts (especially if under high stress).
-Learn how to meditate as if your life depended on it (because it kind of does). There are many ways to meditate that don’t involve sitting in complete silence. Find the method that works for you.
-Avoid extreme activities that can promote an increased stress response in your body (cold plunges, extremely hot saunas, extreme fasts, etc) especially in a period of high stress.
-Invest in self care practices that can assist your body in reducing stress (Acupuncture, relaxing Bodywork, proper Chiropractic care, Restorative Yoga, Hypnosis, Reiki, etc).
-Take some time out of your day to do something relaxing. Do some coloring, journal, go on a gentle walk, take a bath, dance to your favorite music, etc.
Adaptogens can also be helpful, however, they are herbs with their own individual properties. It would be best to speak to a practitioner that can make specific recommendations.