Tea Time with Jo |
Glossary of Fertility Abbreviations
Here is a list of the most common fertility related abbreviations that you might see on this blog. Hope this helps make some sense of the terms you may see floating around in the interwebs.
2WW-2 Week Wait. The time between ovulation and a period due date in which one waits to discover if they are pregnant. Also the luteal phase of the cycle.
AF-Antral Follicle Count. The amount of follicles seen on ultrasound at the beginning of a cycle.
ART-Assisted Reproductive Technology. Procedures including IUI and IVF.
BBT-Basal Body Temperature. An individual’s temperature when as soon as the awaken.
BETA-Beta hCG. Blood test that checks for the presence of pregnancy hormone hCG.
BCP-Birth Control Pill.
CD1-Cycle Day 1. The number can be replaced according to context. Example: “I ovulated on CD16 this cycle”.
CM-Cervical Mucus. Aka Cervical Fluid (CF), Vaginal Discharge.
EWCM-Egg White Cervical Mucus. The clear and stretchy cervical mucus that appears just before ovulation. Often likened to the appearance of egg whites.
DPO-Days Post Ovulation
ER-Egg Retrieval
ET-Embyo Transfer
FET-Frozen Embryo Transfer
HPT-Home Pregnancy Test
ICSI-Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. The process by which fertilization is facilitated by an Embryologist injecting a single sperm cell into an egg.
IUI-Intra Uterine Insemination. Procedure in which sperm are placed in the uterus near the fallopian tubes, via a catheter.
IVF-In Vitro Fertilization. Procedure in which embryos are created in a lab.
LMP-Last Menstrual Period
OPK-Ovulation Predictor Kit.
PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
PGT-A-Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (formerly known as “PGS” Pre-implantation Genetic Screening). Test in which a biopsy of a blastocyst is used to check for chromosomal abnormalities.
PGD-Pre-implantation Genetic Disorder. Test in which biopsy of a blastocyst is used to check for genetic disorders/disorders.
PIO-Progesterone in oil.
RE-Reproductive Endocrinologist. Often referred to as the "Fertility Specialist”.
RI-Reproductive Immunologist. Specialist who treats reproductive immune disorders.
RPL-Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
SA-Semen Analysis
TTC-Trying To Conceive